EADV Face-to-face Course – Rare Skin Disorders

19/12/2024 - 21/12/2024

Paris - France

Gain access to the highest standards of education and training

  • The Academy offers several face-to-face courses which enable dermatologists and venereologists from Europe and around the world to gain access to the highest standards of education and training.
How to apply
  • Residents can apply to Resident and Combined courses and need to be EADV members. Upon selection, attendance is free of charge.
  • Specialists can register to Specialist and Combined courses, seats are assigned on a first-come, first served registration basis. Exclusive member fee will be applied at the time of purchase. EADV members can benefit from up to 70% discount on course fees.
  • Non-members will need to submit a request by email to education@eadv.org including their ID card/passport, and proof of medical status.
Session « Rare Skin Disorders » :
  • Chair : Christine Bodemer
  • Programme du cours via ce lien
  • Lien d’inscription pour les internes
  • Lien d’inscription pour les post-internes